This website aims to provide a knowledge hub on developments, resources and evidence on black women’s health in the UK, North, South, Middle America and the Caribbean.
The Black Women’s Health & Wellbeing Network was established in June 2011, following a conference held at The Open University on 29th June 2011. The conference focused on the health of African-Caribbean women, as although there has been an increase in the research on Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities in the UK, African-Caribbean women are often absent from this research and their health is often ignored by researchers and policy makers. The conference brought together this disparate group of researchers and it was decided during the conference to provide a network for such researchers to meet and exchange knowledge and ideas.
The Black Women’s Health & Wellbeing Research Network has held annual seminars which have attracted participants from health, local authority and the voluntary sector.
Promoting the health and wellbeing of black women through research and knowledge exchange.
Recent publications:
· Asis, Maruja; Piper, Nicola and Raghuram, Parvati (2019). From Asia to the World: “Regional” Contributions to Global Migration Research. Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationals, 35(1-2) pp. 13–37.
· Breines, M., Raghuram, P. and Gunter, A. (2019) Infrastructures of immobility: enabling international distance education students in Africa to not move. Mobilities 14(4) 484–499.
· Raghuram, P. (2019) Race and care ethics: Intersectionality as method. Gender, Place and Culture. 26(5): 613-637
· Raghuram, P. and Sondhi, G. (2019) Skilled female migrants in the EU: continuities and discontinuities. Policy Brief, Hamburg Institute of International Economics.
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