CRED: Call for Contributions
The Centre for Race, Education and Decoloniality invites you to share perspectives on the Creative work (poems, fiction, essays, artwork, raps etc.) as well as conventional academic papers or thought pieces are welcome. We are interested incontributions from students, researchers, teachers, activists, creatives, educators and interested stakeholders whose work connects to:
Schools and teaching | Education Studies | Critical Race and Ethnic Studies | Sociology | Human Geography | Community Studies
The broader themes of this issue include: Education | Teaching Practice | Anti-racist curriculum | Pedagogy | Intersectionality
Contributors to this Working Papers series will also automatically become members of CRED and will be emailed updates and invitations to a range of events.
Submission Guidelines
-Submissions should be around 1500 words but no more than 4000 words
-These should be emailed to as Word documents by Friday 3rd July 2020
– If using references, these should follow the Harvard style. -Submissions should be written in English, which should be accessible and clear to a range of readers.
-Text can be broken up with subheadings, bulletpoints, diagrams and other visuals.-Contributor name(s), job title, email address, twitter handle (if applicable)and institutional affiliation (if any) should be clearly stated.
-Names of schools, universities and other organisations can be included, and we require contributors to confirm that they have consent to do so.
– No submitted photographs of children will be published, although the Carnegie School of Education may select appropriate images from stock photograph libraries.
– Adults may only be named with their consent
– Children and young people may not be identified by name and every effort should be made to ensure that their identities remain confidential.
Review process
Each submission will be reviewed by the editorial team and any further guidance for resubmission will be communicated to the contributors. You may also be contacted for further proofreading after the issue is collated and the final publication will feature on our website
Should you have any enquiries, please contact the editors at the following email address:
Dr Kavyta Raghunandan
Professor Vini Lander